Digital Product
Learn which patients are at risk
Don't wait until they miss their next dose: proactively identify patients at risk of bad adherence.
Proactive support
Our functional ingredients are already mixed-in to the coffee
Built for efficiency
Ensuring more positive outcomes, without the extra time commitment
Data is one thing, but we provide actionable insights to impact adherence
Predict patient adherence.
Our platform maps a patient's complete profile - diagnosis and history, demographics, location, insurance, and support system - to a comprehensive score, so you can see the patients most at risk for non-adherence.
Track and adapt over time.
The most effective care plan intervenes before non-adherence happens. By analyzing patient behavior over time, our platform can predict future disruptions to inform an optimal path forward.
What They're Saying
I want to follow-up with all my patients, but it's nearly impossible to find the time to do it in a meaningful way. Knowing PatientConnect identifies the patients most at-risk allows me to prioritize outreach. - Kai
I was able to reach out to a patient proactively because PatientConnect warned me of a change in their refill pick-up behavior. We were able to identify and solve the problem before it prevented them from following their care plan - Diana
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